THB 429 500

সর্বনিম্ন দামের নিশ্চয়তা

  • কোন চার্জ ছাড়াই 48 hrs. পূর্বে বাতিল করুন
  • মোবাইল ভাউচার নিন অথবা প্রিন্ট করুন
  • হোটেল থেকে যাতায়াত সুবিধা

এক নজরে

  • wewfbœ †evUvwbK cø¨vU m¤ú‡K© Rvbv
  • weij cÖRvwZi MvQcvjv `k©‡bi my‡hvM
  • wfbœ wfbœ fv&Dagge...
আরও দেখুন

  • wewfbœ †evUvwbK cø¨vU m¤ú‡K© Rvbv
  • weij cÖRvwZi MvQcvjv `k©‡bi my‡hvM
  • wfbœ wfbœ fv‡M fvM Kiv wewfbœ Mv‡Qi cÖRvwZi evMvb

প্রাপ্যতা যাচাই করুন

প্যাকেজ অপশন

প্যাকেজ টাইপ

লোকেশনের বর্ণনা

gyqvs wWw÷ªK G Aew¯’Z GB dz‡KU †evUvwbK Mv‡W©b| weL¨vZ GB Mv‡W©bwU cÖK…wZ †cÖwgK‡`i Kv‡Q ¯^Mx©q| GB †evUvwbK Mv‡W©b G Av‡Q bvbv iK‡gi weij cÖRvwZi MvQ, Jlwa Avi we‡k¦i wewfbœ cÖv‡šÍi weL¨vZ me eo MvQ| Avcbvi Ávb fvÛvi A‡bKUvB e„w× cv‡e Gme Jlwa Mv‡Qi bvg Avi G‡`i e¨envi m¤ú‡K© Rvb‡Z cvi‡j| RwUj me †iv‡M G ai‡Yi Jlwa cÖPzi e¨envi Kiv nq|
Tour, Activities & Sightseeing - amujamu

MvQcvjv †_‡K Avgiv ïay Lv`¨ Avi Aw·‡Rb cvB Zv bq, wKsev wek¦Ry‡o DrwMwiZ welv³ Kve©b-Wv-A·vBW ï‡l wb‡q c„w_ex‡K emevm Dc‡hvMx iv‡L ‡mI bq| Zv ev‡`I, MvQ bvbv fv‡e Avgv‡`i RxebhvÎvi mv‡_ IZ‡cÖvZ fv‡e RwoZ| cÖZ¨ÿ I c‡ivÿfv‡e Avgiv MvQ n‡Z myweavcÖvß|
Tour, Activities & Sightseeing - amujamu

ZvB dz‡KU †evUvwbK Mv‡W©b G cÖK…wZ‡cÖgx‡`i ¯^vMZ †Zv e‡UB, Zv ev‡`I hviv ÷z‡W›U, wimvP©vi, UzŠwi÷ Avi ¯’vbxq †jvKR‡bi miMg c`PviYv N‡U GLv‡b| cwievi Avi eÜzevÜe‡`i mv‡_ GLv‡b PgrKvi mgq KvUv‡Z cvi‡eb| bv›`wbK †mŠ›`‡h© fiv evMvbwU‡K AviI iƒceZx Ki‡Z GLv‡b Av‡Q GKwU K…wËg SiYv| Av‡iKwU `viæY e¨vcviUv n‡jv, GLv‡b Av‡Q Avcbvi imbvZ…wßiI e¨e¯’v| cwiev‡ii mevi mv‡_ g‡bvig cwi‡e‡k GLv‡b _vB Lvev‡ii ¯^v` wb‡Z cvi‡eb| Av‡Q my¨‡fwbi Gi †`vKvb| cQ›`gZ wRwbm wK‡b wb‡Z cvi‡eb|
Tour, Activities & Sightseeing - amujamu

dz‡KU †evUvwbK Mv‡W©b G Av‡Q myMÜx dz‡ji MvQ, d‡ji evMvb, UªwcK¨vj cvg, Jlwa evMvb, AwK©W c¨v‡fwjqb, K¨vKUvm evMvb, RvcvwbR Mv‡W©b, IqvUvi wjwj Mv‡W©b mn Av‡iv A‡bK MvQ hv wj÷ Ki‡Z _vK‡j †klB n‡Z PvB‡e bv!

Operating hours

Open: 09.00-17.00 hrs. Closed on Wednesday


  • Herb Garden

The herb garden exhibits ways of life and cultures related to the use of herbal plants in the Thai community. The garden also gives information about herbs and their medicinal benefits.

  • Orchard

Thailand is famous for its great variety of tasty tropical fruits. Set in the ambiance of typical Thai fruit orchards, our garden is full of the well-known fruits. Visitors can also buy the juicy fruits as souvenirs.

  • Sufficient Garden
  • Orchid Pavilion

This is a large kingdom of orchids full of new or rare and valuable species. It is a perfect place to study the tropical orchids.

  • Fern Garden
  • Cactus Garden

Desert plants such as cacti and succulent plants are kept in glasshouses. Visitors can learn about the evolution of fertile species that gradually diversified to survive the drought. The leaves once were green grew smaller and finally transformed themselves into spines, and the tall trunks turned short and chubby for the purpose of storing water. All of these are displayed in the greenhouse attaching great importance to art and beauty.


  • Rain forest
  • Japanese Garden
  • English Garden
  • Bali Garden
  • Waterlily Garden
  • Palm Garden

Remark * Booking 3 days in advance.

No cancellation

হেল্প সেন্টার
  • দ্রুত সাহায্যের জন্য আমাদের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন  
  • প্রশ্ন করুন