Mambo Cabaret Show is a sensational nightlife show that hosts experienced performers to perform skilled acts and dancing. You can expect full on entertainment and a good night out if you prefer to upgrade to dinner after show option.

The show is 80-minutes long featuring lots of fun, silly, praiseworthy and coordinated acts. The stage performers wear over-the-top attires and costumes that are vibrant and filled with colors. A troop of Thai Ladyboys will perform their best act in their most beautiful clothing.

The energetic moves and bright costumes will not let you get bored at any moment. You will enjoy the thrill as the show warms up and the crowd is indulged with their eyes glued to the stage.

You have the option to sit at different seating option that ranges from close-up seats to VIP corners. There will be lots of humor so that you can enjoy an evening of laughter and a good time.

The stage will be beautifully decorated with lots of spotlights on the performers and a loud sound system with color effects to make your evening stand out. Mambo Cabaret Show is perfect for people looking to experience the glamorous nightlife of Bangkok.